Monday, May 5, 2008

Our Friend Zahra send us this great poem, so I want to share the feelings of it with you.
I love this poem because I have the conviction that if you have a dream, a realistic one, you can, with time and by all means, realize it, of course if you really want it to come true. What is life without dreams? It is a hopeless life. If you do not dream, you have no goals and objectives; if you have no goals, you have nothing to realize in your life, and if you have nothing to do in your life, you are like a non-existent or a dead person. You do not want to be considered as being dead? So, start dreaming, you will be indeed alive; IT IS NEVER TOO LATE!


Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

Langston Hughes

And now I give you some aphorisms...because there are lot of people that dreamed about dreams!!!

The life and the dreams are sheets of the same book. Read them in order is living, browse them by coincidence is dreaming.
La vita e i sogni sono fogli di uno stesso libro. Leggerli in ordine è vivere, sfogliarli a caso è sognare. Arthur Schopenhauer

We are made of the same substance of dreams.
Siamo fatti della stessa sostanza dei sogni. William Shakespeare

If you can dream it, you can do it.
Se puoi sognarlo, puoi farlo. Walt Disney

Dream as if you have to live forever, live as if you have to die today.
Sogna come se dovessi vivere per sempre; vivi come se dovessi morire oggi. Oscar Wilde

Whatever you dream to begin, start it. The boldness has inside the genius, the power, the magic...
Qualunque cosa sogni d'intraprendere, cominciala. L'audacia ha del genio, del potere, della magia... Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

All the universe conspire to make who want something with all himself could be able to realize its dreams.
Tutto l'universo cospira affinché chi lo desidera con tutto sé stesso possa riuscire a realizzare i propri sogni. Paulo Coelho

Dreams become true: without this possibility, nature will not incite us to make it.
I sogni si realizzano; senza questa possibilità, la natura non c'inciterebbe a farne. John Updike

Of course, comments are freeee!!! Marco,
شكرا لك

2 comments: said...

Thank God .. i found somebody standing by me and not saying crazy about me . because they always think that my imagenation is very wild .
I agree with every word your saying , because i can't imgen life with out dreams , maybe some people are living to folow thier own aims " which are acted as dreames" , but i have a comment about the subject , i think that dreams are not enough to succees . yes , we can start with dreames ,but we shouldn't stop there , we have to work hard to make everything come true , with our effort , thoughts , and asserting we can go on the road of the successful life .
I have a suggestion , let's talk about our dreames , that's because we have to know each other in a better way , well ... i will start

I want to learn alot of languages " french , italin , spanish " and i want to visit alot of countries " Turkey , Indea , (((Italy))) , France , USA , SPAIN , ..... aloooooot of other ones . I wish I could meet my favourit football players Christeano Ronaldo , ZIDAN and i want to watsh one of my best team's games " BARSHLONA" .

I always wanted to meet our previous president " yasser Arafat " i'm sorry to say that he's dead now , but it's our reallity .

I want to buy my own labtop , and my own mobile " soon inshalla " . and i want to find the right carrer for me " because i'm really distrait" .
i have alot of other dreams maybe millions , but these are some of them .

by the way , i love William Shakespeare and all his sayings

Saja :)

Fida' S. Amro said...

this is my first comment ...
you're right saja i think that i can't imagen my life without dreams ,too.and it's a great idea to talk about our dreams, i remember when i was a child my teacher told me to write acomposition about your dream i wrote that my dream is like a star, if you want your dream to come true you have to reach that star, and you have to do many things to reach it we do not just talk about our dreams we have to work ,and to study hard,and ofcours to help each other ,so we can reach that star ...maybe i dream just because i want to be happy or something like this...and maybe we can give advice to each other ...what we can do ???!!!^-^

i want to be famous , i want to travel ALL over the world espicaly ITALY ,PARIS,USA,DUBAI,MALISIA,
TURKEY,ENGLAND.............i want to be a cardesigner in the future coz i LOVE cars i wish i could have a car that noone has. i want all the people love me ....i wish i could meet Kay panabaker or Max thieriot i want to go to disney land I LOVE IT i want to be intelligent ,and ofcours to have a lot of gifts in my birthday the way it's on 12th may ...

these are SOME of my dreams ...i hope to read about yours ....soon
