it can buy a house
نستطيع شراء المنزل بالنقود
But not a family
لكن لا نستطيع شراء عائله
It can buy a clock
نستطيع شراء الساعة
But not time
و لكن لا نستطيع شراء الوقت
It can buy you a position
نستطيع شراء المنصب و السلطة
But not respect
لكن لا نستطيع شراء الاحترام
can buy you a bed
نستطيع شراء السرير
But not sleep
و لكن لا نستطيع شراء النوم
It can buy you a book
نستطيع شراء الكتب
But not knowledge
ولكن لا نستطيع شراء العلم
It can buy you medicine
نستطيع شراء الدواء
But not health
و لكن لا نستطيع شراء الصحة
It can buy you blood
نستطيع شراء الدم
But not life
و لكن لا نستطيع شراء الحياة
So you see money isn't everything
فلذلك يجب أن تعرف أن النقود ليست كل شيء
And it often causes pain and suffering
و في بعض الأحيان تخلق النقود لنا المعاناة والمشاكل و الألم
I tell you this because I am your friend
فأنا أخبرك بهذا لأني أعتبر نفسي أحد أصدقاؤك
And as your friend I want to
ولأني صديقك سوف
Take away your pain and suffering!!
أزيل عنك ألمك ومعاناتك
So Send me all your money
So Send me all your money
فأرسل لي جميع ما تملك من نقود
And I will suffer for you
و أنا سأعاني بدلا عنك
Cash only please
و أفضل أن تكون كاش لو سمحت
Right Saja, you won the Pasta dish...
...and you won also my special prize... Marco's Falafel!!!
We need more time to stay with our friends and with our family, and to sleep too, to take care of our health and expecially of the health of our world!!! We need knowledge, we have to study and also the possibility of travelling to know how the life is in other places. We have to live in respect, because only with the respect in each other we have a real life!!!
Money were created to make everithing go well or to destroy our lives!?! I know only that power make often the people go crazy and that money can give too much power because with money we have to eat and to build the house of our family...and to have money we have to work hard... and so we don't have time to live in the way we want!!
In Italia, like in every place of the world, we have some people with lots of money that can buy the "reality" and sell their lies as the only way to go out from the problems of the every day life.
As usual they are politicians... and they want our sign to do what they want...they \make\ the problem in the newspapers, on tv, something like the last one, the "security problem", in which they made all the italian people afraid from the people from East Europe (expecially from Romania) then they use their money to tell us lies about solutions... They eat our fear, they live without any respect of the life and of the entire world balance...
I hope people will open their eyes and their mind... but you know, it's so difficult: sometimes when you are poor in cash, you became dried in the hearth!!!
ma a me me lo puppa...
I think you are right . every thing has it's own job . and to do it's job it needs to be done perfectly ( eg :to have knowledge, we have to study hard ) .
I know somethings about BERLUSCONI . Andrea told us about him and I asked Dad . in that day he saied " هاذا تعيس برلسكوني " whish means " he's a bad man " but this word that dad used is strange a little bit . I think you need a revolution to stop BERLUSCONI . because if you didn't . decaying will go on in your country .
By the way . what dose this mean "ma a me me lo puppa..." ?
I love Pastaaaa .. Thanks for the dish .. I want some more please .so i'm going to write an other time as soon as i can .
good bye
Oh...It's not (absolutly not!) the speaking way of a gentlemen but it means that > I'm not in agreement with his thoughts and his way to govern Italy... if he is good as president of Milan A.C. and of lots of TV and newspaper... he can go to do another work!!! <
In this moment, after the election of the april 13-14, we have to start to change our mind, because we have lots of men of politics that are worse than Berlusconi... they are really more like Mussolini!?!
Beh,tomorrow is another great day of the year: The Feast of workers, also known as Labour Day that is a holiday celebrated on May 1 of each year that it intends to recall the commitment and the achievements of the trade union movement in economic and in the social situation of the workers.
We have to remember them and to be happy for the present situation... even if we are worried for the future!!!
sometimes marco doesn't think twice before speaking. Andrea.
Maybe we should not talk about politics on this blog, but perhaps is a little part of our life and of all the situations that we live everyday... perhaps we can discover normality only in change... maybe we should not use bad language, but was rather a quote from Don Zauker, an Italian cartoon of the Vernacoliere (Review of political satire) ... perhaps thinking twice change the tones, but it does not change the emotions!
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