Monday, September 1, 2008


I heard that today is the beginning of Ramadan and I've read a lot about it: here in Italy I have some friends from Marocco so they answered to some questions that I had, because I had a lot of "why" about it!!!
So I realized a lot of ideas about it, and please tell me about it... In my opinion is a great tradition
that make a genuine spirit of belonging to a community, with unity, brotherhood and human solidarity. This spirit is the natural result of the fact that when humans gives themselves a rule, and they respect it, they have the real feeling of being part of the whole community, which observes the same duty in the same time and for the same reasons.
And in the same time it is a prescription to give security and self-control, to ensure the dignity and the human freedom, to give the victory and the peace on temptations and ignorance.
These results never fail to occur as a living reality in the heart of the person who knows how to observe the SAWM. When you fast in an appropriate manner, you have a complete command on the passions, you can discipline the desires and resist to all the temptations. EVEN THIS =====================>
Once you have this ability given by this annual practice
, you can establish the inner peace, which is the source of permanent peace with God and, accordingly, with all the universe. happy, have party at night, eat dates and other sweets...YUUM!!!

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