Tuesday, July 8, 2008

1 comment:

Marco said...

Never stop fighting, but fight forever with no violence...
...I know that it is one of the worst war on earth, I know that Israeli soldires have often a criminal behavior, but we can't go down with them, we have to say it loud, we have to make the people see over the sand of the rich beach of TelAviv, they have to see the blood they seed on the ground, everybody shold hear the crying baby, but they have also to see that people live there, that they want to be free, that girls and boys study to be free, that they play games with the baby, to make him smile even if he does not have no more a family and his house...but he has you, everybody of you that have a big big heart... and you have a lot of people with you, in the world, in Italy, here...