giorno 79: Betlemme cancella le celebrazioni del Natale mentre Israele
continua a bombardare Gaza
- Oltre 20.258 morti* e almeno 53.688 feriti nella Striscia di Gaza.
- 303 palestinesi uccisi nella Cisgiordania occupata e a Gerus...
1 year ago
Oh, I remember an Arabic proverb:
""You can live without brothers, but not without friends.""
I think so... friends are the best thing you can find in your life, and your life is grey without them... in this period I founded a lot of friends... and I want to live with them... I want to communicate with them if I can't see them by person!!! Yesterday I went outside with my newest friends: Andrea, Lotar and Francesca... I know them since 2 month but I feel with them like brothers and sisters!!!
One of my newest friends is you Fida... and of course you, Saja... the time we had to put the foundations of our friendship was enough!!!
We can communicate now however... with email & this blog!!!
I hope to see you again, but right now we can share our dreams, our friendship and our "everyday" feelings & emotions here... Our heart is open... our mind are linked... when I write I feel you near me... with your smiles and when I read what you wrote, I hear your voice!!!
I have also some videos of our moments, if you are pleased, I can put it on Youtube...
And a strange deepening in the theme is this:
"There are three types of friends: your friend, the friend of your friend and the enemy of your enemy."
friends .friends .friends
I wanna talk about my story with friends
2 years ago i remember my self as that girl who knows alot of people , and talks to many girls at school " I was a popular girl , everybody knows me there " but I found out that I don't have a close friend , someone I can share my secrets with . so i decided to seek for my one " I found that it's not easy to find a person who understands you everytime you want something , it's too hard to find someone that can be just like you ,that's why friends are valuable , but I think I'm a lucky girl because since that time I found around 5 best friends and I can't giveup any of them . I think now i'm addicted on friends .
Fida your a good friend for me "I Love you "
Marco you are a faithful friend i respect you soooo much also Andrea , Lotar , Francesca are good friends but they don't e-mail me :(
Saja :)
hiiiii you are really my friends
i love you all specialy saja "i love you"
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